Thursday, April 15, 2010


At the beginning of October, 1996, Dawn McSweeney suddenly moved into my parents' home at 4995 Prince of Wales, NDG, Montreal, where I had been living for two years while recovering from breast cancer. Dawn and her boyfriend Alex Lavergne moved into the bedroom adjacent to mine on the second floor of the cottage.
Upon their arrival, Dawn started removing my clothes from hangars and dropping them on the floor, replacing them with her own clothes. She put my toiletries on the floor and replaced them with her own. Dawn and Alex slept on a pile of camping gear and blankets on the floor. Suddenly, the house was rocking with blasting music! I was scared.

But the worst part was that the new tenants were smoking something in their room that made me nauseous. No one else smoked in the house. I was terrified of fire. I put a battery into the smoke alarm in the hall and slept in my clothes for the next few days. It was an alarming few days.
Because I knew Dawn's character, I knew she would take anything she could get her hands on. I expected her to pilfer, and everything of value that I owned was in my mother's house, in my rooms. Judging from the smell of that smoke, I expected Dawn and Alex would need money.
On October 5, I made a careful inventory of all my belongings, some of which had been stored in my parents' home since 1988. What I could not have foreseen was ....

On October 7, 1996, I was suddenly attacked and robbed of everything of value that I had - everything I had worked for all my life - every cherished thing left to me by my beloved husband. Fighting to hold onto the phone while my assailant tried to tear it out of my hands, breathless and shaking, I managed to dial 911.
The Montreal Police I had called to rescue me helped the thief !
One of the two officers escorted me out the front door and he warned me, in front of my assailant, never to return to the house. I was not allowed to take anything out of the house with me except my purse, my bible and my shoe bag. Not even a coat.
The police left me alone in the street, cold, homeless and destitute. They just drove away. I was left there, standing rigid, trembling, breathless - in shock ! Everything I owned was left in the hands of Dawn McSweeney - along with the lives and property of my aged parents. And I had nowhere to go. All I had was my old Pontiac, and I lived in it for a few cold days and nights, trying to figure out what to do, until a friend took me in.
What the thieves did not know is that I had made a new inventory on October 5 and  had hidden it among my files. Six months after the robbery, when some of my belongings were returned by Dawn McSweeney - minus all my valuables - I was able to recover the inventory and give it to the police.
But the Montreal Police still do nothing.
You have to wonder why the Montreal Police have been protecting Dawn McSweeney and Alex Lavergne all through the years.
Or are they covering for the Montreal Policeman who helped the thieves ?
You have to wonder.

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