Friday, July 23, 2010


"When that the poor hath cried, Caesar hath wept".
(William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar Act III, Scene II)
Even Julius Caesar tuned in. But those we elect or assign to positions of power do not listen to the cries of the victims of injustice in our so-called "civilized" society.
One website describes the crucifixion of Jesus:
Hanging on a cross was the most disgraceful, agonizing, and cruel form of death penalty. In those times, such a death penalty was imposed only on the most hardened criminals: thieves, murderers, instigators of rebellion, and felons. The torture of a crucified man is impossible to describe. Besides unbearable pain in every part of the body, the crucified underwent the ordeal of terrible thirst and spiritual suffering until dead. ( -)
Death by crucifixion was, in every sense of the word, excruciating (Latin, excruciatus, or "out of the cross").
With nails driven into the flesh of His hands, the bible does not mention that Jesus screamed in agony. The thousands of victims of  crucifixion must have screamed. But the world does not want to know about that.
At the crucifixion, the crowd seemed to be playing a neutral role.
The crowd simply stands and watches what is going on around them. They are not ridiculing Jesus or defending him.... As followers of this teacher, they are no longer honoring Jesus but are shaming him by their silence.. (
They were shaming him by their silence. Nowhere do I find any reference to the fact that one suffering the piercing of crucifixion was screaming in agony. But everywhere I look, I see people who hold power shaming victims by their silence.
The bible does not say that, subjected to the most horrific pain searing his flesh, Jesus screamed. We are told instead that Jesus forgave his executioners and quietly asked for something to drink. The reporters tell the story for their own reasons, to persuade the readers to a certain way of thinking.
History and myth alike fail to report the screams ! With nails piercing his flesh, He must have screamed.
Christians believe Jesus was the Son of God, both human and God at the same time. But the human, flesh part must have screamed. But no one acknowledges that He screamed.
In Canada today, the screams of  the victims of abuse and injustice are ignored. Victims are rejected, insulted, threatened and even punished. (See The Suburban Weekly newspaper, Montreal, - September 5, 2007 and September 12, 2007 - The Phyllis Carter Detention and Condemned in Four Minutes and
Then some began to spit at him; they blindfolded him, struck him with their fists, and said, "Prophesy!" And the guards took him and beat him. - Mark 14:65
Then they spit in his face and struck him with their fists. Others slapped him - Matthew 26:67
Pierced and screaming, victims are accused of being trouble makers or mentally unbalanced. Anything to discredit, intimidate and silence their cries of agony. No one wants to be confronted by feelings. Those who hold power and have authority do not want their day disturbed by facts or feelings that do not fit comfortably into their own agendas. We are taught to follow the rules, fill out the proper forms, get a lawyer, wait your turn. Keep on waiting. No one wants to risk paying serious attention to the screams. No one wants to step out of line and get involved.
No one who is sitting comfortably on a modern-day throne wants to risk their comfort, security and perks in order to acknowledge the screams of the victims of injustice and abuse.
Just ignore the screams. Walk away.
It is not polite to make a fuss. Obey. Sssh !
Phyllis Carter

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