Sunday, July 10, 2011


A woman may cover her hair for religious reasons - Muslim and Orthodox Jews do - or out of modesty - because our hair is so sensuous, we drive men mad. (Lovely thought, that.) A lovely veil is just lovely, a little mysterious and pretty.
But there is no excuse in civilized society in the 21st century to hide your face unless you are disfigured, you are protecting yourself or others from a virus, the weather outside is frightful, or you are about to rob a jewellery store. No excuse. Okay, maybe if you are under 16 and it is Halloween - or Purim. That is only one day a year.
Older women who have come to the west late in life may have a hard time adapting to this simple good sense, but if they can't, they should stay at home and let their husbands and children take care of their needs.
The public should not be placed at risk to accommodate ancient values from other lands. The sari does not provide much hiding place for a weapon, but Muslim garments do.
If you have come here to enjoy the benefits of Canadian life, you must adapt to Canadian life - all the while enjoying the freedom to practice your religion in security and comfort at home or at the mosque or among friends.
I want to know my neighbours. If they want to hide from me, I cannot trust them.
But I do feel sad for them.

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