Friday, January 20, 2012


On this blog, the reader will find my reports on the Best Buy Samsung computer monitor made in China that speaks only Hungarian.
Now, I am looking for help with my FLUID HDMI DVD player - also made in China. This gadget shows some DVD's in a normal fashion, but others have subtitles - and I cannot find any way of stopping the subtitles.
January 20, 2012
Page 11 of the User Guide, under Subtitle Language - it says - The subtitle language option enables you to turn subtitles on by default - (I never did) - as well as choosing which language ...etc. Select OFF to turn off automatic titles.... Well, I have selected OFF again and again without success. I tried OFF and I tried OFF, ENTER.
I also tried stopping subtitles using the SUBTITLES button on the remote (Page 8 of the User's Guide.)
Here is another example of stuff made in China. You probably know the story of my Samsung Computer Monitor that is made in China and only speaks Hungarian. Should we be manufacturing these things in Canada ? All in favour say, " Amen ! "
Since the User's Guide gives The Source, Barrie, Ontario, as it's address and no contact for tech support, I went on Facebook with this problem and my FB friend, the very active activist, Cheryl who lives in the area, put in a call to The Source there. Then she wrote to me saying, "They are laughing."
I must ask her why the folks at The Source were laughing.
Meanwhile, I am asking my readers around the world for tech support. How do I get rid of the subtitles - which - at least on the DVD player are not in Hungarian.
Stay tuned for the next episode ...

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