Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Greetings to our fellow human beings in China,
While Canada's Prime Minister Harper visits the authorities in your country, he will discuss trade between our countries.
As a human being, like you, I do not want our country to send toxic products like oil and gas to your people.
At the same time, please ask those who run your country to stop sending dangerous products like lead, and carcinogenic products like these to our country.
I bought some lovely little oranges today. As I was unpacking my groceries, I noticed the Chinese and English writing on the Sunkist Oranges carton.
I took a moment to read the English lettering. I was bothered by the names of the chemicals used to preserve the oranges in transit, so I did a little surfing on the Internet.

Suspected carcinogen and neurotoxicant

Sodium O-Phenylphenate
Known carcinogen.

Suspected carcinogen, neurotoxicant, immunotoxicant, developmental toxicant, skin or sense organ toxicant.


I believe that people are basically the same everywhere. We all want to live in peace and safety, but once in power, politicians do as they please, so ordinary people must speak up to each other.
I want your children to be healthy and safe. We in Canada hope that you want our families to be healthy and safe too,
So please stop sending us toxic products and let us hear the voices of your people who want true peace and friendship. When we stop giving all the power to politicians, we will have a better chance to feel safe with each other.
Phyllis Carter

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