Monday, July 15, 2013


I was attacked and robbed in my home at 4995 Prince of Wales, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 
While being attacked, I manage to call 911.
The Montreal Police who responded to my call, helped the thief.
Since then, the Montreal Police have refused repeatedly to recover my precious stolen belongings or to take any action against the thief, Dawn McSweeney, and those she calls her "partners in crime" on her own blog.
Member of Parliament and Quebec Deputy Police Ethics Commissioner, Marlene Jennings, stated at two public meetings in Montreal in 2008, "Mrs. Carter's rights have been violated three times."
I do not want money. I want what is my own.
To support my claim, I am offering  $5,000. reward for the return of everything Dawn McSweeney and her associates stole from me and from my family.
Now I am considering another way of opening this case.
I would like to meet a lawyer who would sue the Montreal Police for what they have done and failed to do in this case, With the exposed corruption at Montreal City Hall, and all the information I have of the crimes of Dawn McSweeney and her friends, I think there is plenty evidence to support my case.
I am considering having a lawyer sue the Montreal Police for $100,000. in damages, not affecting  my claim for the return of all my precious, irreplaceable belongings and everything these thieves have stolen from my parents, my siblings and their children.
But I do not want the $100,000. for myself. I am willing to give the whole $100,000. to the lawyer who wins my case against the Montreal Police.

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