Wednesday, July 24, 2013


July 24, 2013
March for Jesus · We are raising money for medical equipment for Israel. Please become a part of this amazing opportunity to save the lives of Israelis. To be part of that blessing, please contact or call (403)607-4434. Thank you.
March for Jesus  -  Palestinians are funding terrorism!!!

Jason Cook -  The Israeli government are criminals. How about fundraising for everyone affected by the conflict.

Tim Mund  - spend the money in our own country would make more sense

March for Jesus Street Church  - feeds thousands of people a week on the streets of Calgary! How many people you feed?

Phyllis Carter  - If anyone has evidence that March for Jesus is misusing funds, they should provide that evidence to the public and to the police. Otherwise, it seems to me, those who are posting hate messages here are anti Semitic or just selfish or ignorant.

Israel is not a nation of gods or saints. They are just people trying to survive. They do not bomb Boston. They do not blow up towers in New York. They do not stone people to death in God's name. Their women are treated with respect.

They are a nation of innocent victims and survivors and builders. Sometimes they go too far, but they are human. There are criminals among Israelis, just as there are criminals among Americans.
But there are also mothers and children, scholars and scientists, doctors and teachers, craftsmen, tailors, storekeepers, artists and poets and farmers.

Those who want to help Israel to live are also helping North America and Europe to survive.

Those who hate Israel may have reason to be sad about what is happening to the Palestine. But the worst enemies of Palestine are not the Israelis or world Jewry, but the extremists of Palestine who hate and murder - even their own - in the name of Allah.

Were it not for the fanatics, the people of Israel and the people of Palestine could work out plans for peace that would benefit both peoples and give the rest of the world a chance to breathe without waiting for the next bomb.

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