Wednesday, February 24, 2016


"The rise of Donald Trump to the presumptive Republican standard bearer for president in 2016 is an indictment of, and a profound danger to, the American republic.
The Founding Fathers were afraid of the excitability of the voters and their vulnerability to the appeal of demagogues. That is the reason for a Senate (which was originally appointed), intended to check those notorious hotheads in Congress, who are elected from districts every two years.
But it isn't only the checks and balances in government that are necessary to keep the republic. It is the Fourth Estate, i.e. the press, it is the country's leaders and it is the general public who stand between the republic and the rise of a Mussolini.
The notables have been shown to be useless.
Donald Trump should have been kicked out of the Republican Party the moment he began talking about violating the Constitution.
The first time he hinted about assaulting the journalists covering his rallies, he should have been shown the door. When he openly advocated torture ("worse than waterboarding"), he should have been ushered away. When he began speaking of closing houses of worship, he should have been expelled.
He has solemnly pledged to violate the First, Fourth and Eighth Amendments of the Constitution, at the least. If someone's platform is unconstitutional, it boggles the mind that a major American party would put him or her up for president.
How can he take the oath of office with a straight face?" –Juan Cole

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