Saturday, December 9, 2017


Weit mehr als 10 Millionen Hunde und über 4 Millionen Katzen werden jährlich wegen ihres Fleisches und ihres Fells grausamst in China und angrenzenden Ländern g...

Much more than 10 million dogs and more than 4 million cats are killed every year because of their flesh and fur claws in China and neighbouring countries

The animals are savagely tortured and savagely murdered. Why it is so much fun in these countries to torture animals, and to torture is a phenomenon which has so far been regarded as a unique

Of course, not all residents of these countries are abusers or tiermörder. Animal rights activists are fighting day after day to end this madness and try to save as many animals as possible.

The resistance in the population is also growing against these assassinations of psychopaths and sadists, but still it is a minority.

Virtually non-existent animal legalize this mass murder of dogs and cats as well as all other animals. As always, we are invoking old traditions and it is also part of their culture.

Ultimately, the profit motive also plays a decisive role. China's leaders do not even think about legislating. And so other animal species suffer the same fate. We need more resistance and enlightenment at global level because there are still millions of people out there who know nothing about these cruel murders.


Stop this madness!


MADE IN CHINA – See for Yourself

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